
A procura do Sentido... Essas crises existências... nunca chegaremos ao resultado final. Mas talvez, toda vez que pararmos para pensar, faremos nossa vida, pelo menos um pouco diferente... não diria um passo para a perfeição, mas ao menos um passo errado a menos...

Não tenho palavras nesse domingo... Tenho inspiração, mas não tenho as palavras propriamente ditas...

Estou vazio...

Assim as letras de músicas me ajudarão nesse texto, desta vez.

Se um possível Deus, e um homem trocassem cartas, para cada um deixar alguma mensagem, seja ela útil, ou simplesmente mais uma incógnita indecifrável da vida, certamente usaria essas letras de musica para descrever essas cartas...


"Man is shattered
I am shattered
My shards have become shards of their own
Pieces of pieces, impossible to put back together
Spending their lives seeking a context they were always a part of
And so, they leave the context
And we shrink
I fade
And nothing more can be learnt or taught
I have no choice but to leave them to their own devices
I have come to understand one thing and one thing alone
One little piece of understanding
Glowing through this void of blankness and clean slates
Like a beacon of hope
Or just a reminder that I was always wrong:

"Searching for yourself is like looking for the house you stand in
How could you possibly find it?
It's everywhere
It's all you know
And there are no other points of reference"¹


"I can see us read the signs
But spell them out in backward travesty
I see us close our eyes
To all the wounds that we inflict to this world by being "free"
We love this world to death
Purchasing our lifestyles with our lives
Defending our momentarily nations
With the loss of our priceless earthly home

It's not hard to reach the top
It's not hard not knowing when to stop
It's not hard to take all
Not very difficult to fly if you settle for a fall
It's not hard to cross a line
It's not hard to push and go to far
Some creatures cannot climb
Then there are us who cannot even learn how to stay alive

I'm sorry!
For the things we did and did not do
Forgive us; the fools that rushed ahead without a clue
I am sorry
Please forgive us
For this human lack of humanity
This evolutionary travesty
This tragedy called "Man"
...called "Man"...

I'm sorry!
For the things we did and didn't do
Forgive us; the fools that rushed ahead without a single clue
...without a single clue..."²

¹ - Pain Of Salvation - Diffidentia

² - Pain Of Salvation - Nihil Morari

Escrito por Patric Dexheimer as 11:20 PM

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Nome: Patric Dexheimer
Idade: 24 Anos
Cidade: Guaporé/RS

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